Forman Watkins & Krutz LLP

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Jackson, Mississippi Law Firm Website Design

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Web Design

WordPress Content Management System (CMS)

About The Firm

We are people. We have all the feelings that people have, but we are also extremely talented litigators and problem solvers. From trying or resolving cases to creating innovative approaches to fees and expenses, we provide creative solutions that protect you now and in the future. Our approach begins with personal relationships with each other and with our clients. Our personal approach is that by nature, we are passionate people and we make your case personal to us. When someone brings a claim against you or your company, we understand how personally you take it, and we share that emotional journey as we litigate the case. We are people. We are lawyers. We love what we do. It makes all the difference.

About Our Project

"This entry is only the second to receive a perfect score in the 2016 IMA competition, which saw 8,000 entries. And, out of the 32,000 entries IMA has received since its birth in 2005, this is only the 20th perfect score ever given. Our firm went through an extensive RFP process, requesting proposals from agencies all over the country and ultimately chose Paperstreet. Jillian managed the creative development process and Andrew managed the coding and building. I can hands down say, we could not have asked for a better group than these two and their teams! They were both so meticulous and patient yet knowledgeable and honest to let us know when their professional opinion should take precedence in decision making. Managing a site of our size is no easy task, but Andrew & Jillian made sure I understood each step and followed through with their promises to deliver a website our firm would be proud of, and we certainly are! "


Jackson, Mississippi


May 26, 2016

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