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About The Firm

Proactive, pragmatic problem solving – that is the critical difference between the ELDI approach and simply getting “legal advice” which may or may not solve an actual problem. Employers face pervasive legal risks from employee related claims. Many situations are simply out of an employer’s control. When a situation arises, we offer comprehensive investigation, counseling, and training services to effectively resolve the situation and minimize risk. Rather than simply providing legal advice, we work with management to determine specific, practical solutions based on the way your business works – so you can get back to work. ELDI provides a comprehensive range of services and employer defense training options to teach, manage risk, and defend employers against potentially devastating legal claims. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business.




Blue Bell, PA


November 20, 2018

Practice Area(s)

Employment Law, Workplace Harassment, Employment Litigation

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