Dilworth IP, LLC

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About The Firm

At Dilworth IP, we listen to our clients well to better understand their businesses, technologies, people, and vision for success. We appreciate how these factors interrelate. By paying close attention, we can provide the legal counseling, worldwide portfolio management, transactional and agreement support, and patent and trademark prosecution services our clients need to protect their businesses. Our clients have broad interests. They manufacture products that make our daily lives better, and their businesses span an array of industries. Dilworth IP’s attorneys and patent agents know how to protect ideas in such a diverse arena. We have strong academic credentials; several have advanced technical degrees. Most of us worked in industry as research scientists or engineers before studying law. Some have co-authored scientific papers and been inventors on multiple patents. With an average of 20+ years of experience practicing IP law, often as in-house counsel at world-class companies, Dilworth IP’s practitioners understand technology and the importance of protecting it well.

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Trumbull, Connecticut


February 21, 2019

Practice Area(s)

Patents, Trademarks, Licenses, Copyright, Trade Secrets, Agreements

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